The Real Estate Investing Training and Education Club Presents:
Building Trust Through Genuine Long Term Relationships in Real Estate Investing (Ep. 24)

Building Trust Through Genuine Long Term Relationships in Real Estate Investing

In this episode

  • Insights on a day to day job as a realtor
  • Advantage and disadvantages of being a realtor when looking for their own properties
  • Tips on how to keep working for people’s best interests. 
  • How to build relationships with clients and prospects


George El Masri, Real Estate Investor and Realtor

George El Masri has been a Realtor since 2013 and is also a Real Estate Investor with 2 properties currently working on his third but has always had a dream of having a big portfolio.  He likes to focus on working with young people looking to break into real estate investing and uses his realtor business to focus in that space. 

Born in Toronto, George studied in the French school system and is bilingual. After graduating from the University of Toronto he entered the tech space but the pull of real estate was too strong.  He is a strong believer in referrals and works hard at building trust through genuine long term relationships that he underlines with small acts of kindness and handwritten notes. 

George is also the host of the monthly Well Off Podcast, interviewing other real estate investors and is also a marathon runner, basketball fan and loves the challenge of stretching his brain by playing chess. 

Get in touch with George:



Instagram: @welloffx

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