Infinite Banking – Becoming Your Own Banker


Alfonso: I know we say this about our podcast, but this one really if you guys are watching this on the podcast on The REITE Club website or just listening to this.

I don't know if you can hear like my mouth or my jaw dropping or like just this like days of confusion going over, because it was an awesome concept that Jayson talks about Jayson Lowe from Ascendant Financial, talks today about the infinite banking system and how it can apply to you.
There are so many questions we just scratched the surface, but Jayson gets into a little bit about how you can be your own bank and how it works, but super interesting guy and really cool concept that we talk about today.

Sarah: On that note, let's bring in Jason.

Alfonso: Welcome to The REITE Club podcast. Jason Lowe. It's a pleasure to have you on. We're really excited to chat with you today.

Jayson: It's a pleasure to be with you both. Thank you so much for having me and a warm hello to all of your listeners and to all of your viewers.

Alfonso: Great. That you're with us. Just as we've started before we started recording here, kinda giving us a little bit of a background, how you kind were traveling around, around north America and different workplaces. So for all those that don't have the pleasure of knowing you, why don't you give us a little bit of a background? Why are you here today?

Jayson: Oh my goodness. I'm gonna age myself a little bit being that I'm 47 years young and was born and raised in Timmins, Ontario, which is a small mining and forestry community. Your viewers and listeners might be familiar with Shania Twain, the country music singing sensation, her real name is actually Eileen, by the way. Shania is Ojibwa. It means on my way. We were both born and raised in the same community. I went to school with two of her siblings and I thought that's where I was going to be. It's typically in that small town environment, you're always dreaming of moving on.

That opportunity came up for me in August of 1998 and right outta college, I was recruited by staples business Depot, actually. We were opening, oh gosh, about 26 new stores a year rapidly expanding. I had an opportunity to come out west and visit with some family who had already relocated out here.

I was bit by the Rocky Mountain bug very quickly and decided that I wanted to move to Western Canada. From there I had the opportunity to complete some international work assignments in the United States and oh gosh, the time flew by so quickly in August. It was my pardon. It was April of 2008 when we ended up moving back to Canada from the United States. My wife, Rebecca and I, were pregnant with our first born at the time.

It was in July of that same year. When I was introduced to the process of becoming your own banker, the infinite banking concept. I'm now in my 14th year on that journey. That's what gave birth to Ascendant Financial. We were serving Canadians coast to coast and our company has been rapidly expanding.

We're just really privileged to be in this position, especially during a pandemic, if you can imagine so many hard working Canadian families and small businesses, the backbone of our economy. Are in a stranglehold and it's been really sad to see so many hardworking families suffer throughout this timeframe.

So we've been. I'll share one thing with you. I don't mean to take all the oxygen out of the zoom room here. but I'll share something with you. That's really awesome. I'm super proud of my teammates because we have a quarterly profit sharing program. What we decided to do is, so we look inside that quarterly profit.

Our team is rewarded for their hard work and the great job that they do every day. We take 50% of that profit pool, and we help organizations in need in the communities where we work and live across the country. We fed families via local food banks. We took care of domestic violence shelters.

We helped out hope missions and organizations like the mustard seed who provide food, clothing, spiritual care to people who really need it. We really feel blessed with the rapid growth and the success that we've had and we're giving in the communities where we live and work. I can be any prouder of my teammates for doing that.

Sarah: Amazing. Thank you for sharing all of the information there. I think it, like you said, it's been a tough couple years, I think for many people. I think also a year of reflecting and looking back and a lot of people realizing, are they really in the right career?

Jayson: Yeah.

Sarah: They're a better way. I think even in the last two years, like I've, met many new investors that realize that they can't just rely on their nine to five jobs forever. They may be there tomorrow and they may be gone, tomorrow. We don't know what the future holds and just trying to make sure that, next time, something like this happens, that they're in a better position.
I think infinite banking ties in fairly well to that because it's really something that I think not a lot of people know about. I learned recently about infinite banking. I wanna say. Six to nine months ago. It's still very recent. Let's dig into that a little bit more.

Jayson: Sure.

Sarah: What is it and why is it an important thing that we might want to consider as we move forward?

Jayson: Oh, wow. I'll start with working with real estate investors to implement this process on a daily basis. Whether someone is just getting started in their journey with real estate investing or someone who's maybe hit their stride and they're really rapidly growing their portfolio of properties.

But the essence of the process of becoming your own banker. The infinite banking concept is to recapture the money. Recapture that interest, that money, that you're paying to banks, to finance companies, to credit card companies for all those things. If you think about it as a real estate investor that you need to take care of in your portfolio, you have to acquire the property.

Then you have to take care of the property. You have to take into account unplanned vacancy, unplanned or unforeseen maintenance, scheduled maintenance, property taxes, all of those things that your viewers and listeners are familiar with, the money has to come from somewhere to take care of those things.

When you're just utilizing the rental income as an offset to those expenses, What you're doing is you're making the wheels of the banking business and the real estate business turn in that exact order, because all of that money, if you think about it for a moment, your rental income, it's all flowing through the books of someone else's bank, all of it.

When you need to spend the money on the mortgage payments, the shingles, the bathroom facilities, the furnace, the hot water tank. That's a permanent transfer of money away from you. All the equity that's building up inside the real estate is dead money. It's trapped money. When you need ready access to capital to take advantage of opportunities that track you down.

If you're an active real estate investor, opportunities are tracking you down. The last thing you want to be doing is having to go to someone else's bank. Go through a number of hoops and qualifications and gatekeepers and toll takers to get access to capital on someone else's terms.
By implementing this process in your life personally and professionally as a real estate investor, and personally in your own life, you're able to begin gradually and incrementally taking control of that function called banking as it relates to your needs.

I'll give you an example. This is my own personal example in April of oh eight. You could still get 40 year amortizations on a mortgage. Now I just happened to be an active real estate investor at that time as well. I had 13 doors. My niche was primarily townhome style condos. And that was just the niche that worked well for me.

Being a hands off investor, primarily rental pool, property managed, etc. My philosophy before embracing this process was. Okay. It's a long term buy and hold. My tenants are gonna pay off the debt. I purchased the real estate for a deferred benefit, but what nobody told me is that all of that money was flowing away from me.

It was a permanent transfer of capital away from me. Then as each new investment opportunity came along, I had to supply spreadsheets and debt servicing ratios and how the rental income impacted the debt servicing. I had to provide personal guarantees. I had to go through all these hoops and it was frustrating.

When we purchased our principal residence in April, when we moved back to Canada at that time, we thought, wow, 40 year amortization, we got a low payment. We got a great rate of interest. This is awesome. But when we began to implement this in July of that same year, here's how we went about it.

I'm really gonna simplify this for your viewers and listeners. We began putting money into dividend paying, participating in whole life insurance contracts. Now, when you think of life insurance, you think of dying agreed but nobody's describing the living benefits, the financing characteristics of these contracts.

The moment that a contract is in place, it begins to accumulate what's called cash value. So I want you to envision, if you just humor me for a second, if you envision an aquarium and that aquarium on day one begins to start filling up, not with water, but with cash. That is your aquarium. That is your accumulating pool of financial value.

What the life insurance company permits you to do is to borrow against that accumulation without interrupting or taking anything out of the aquarium. What we began to do is we began to borrow against our growing pool of financial value so that we could take the insurance company's money and go directly to the commercial bank and apply it toward the principal balance of the mortgage.

We've got an accumulating pool of financial value. That's growing daily contractually guaranteed to rise every day. There's no pandemic. There's no real estate cycle. There's no economic recession or expansion. There's no stomach turning ups and downs or stock market volatility or manipulation.

There's no cryptocurrency volatility. There's no rollercoaster ride with your money. It just keeps increasing in value. Every single day. When you wanna borrow against it, you borrow against it on your terms because you are the co-owner of the life insurance company. You set the terms, so you've got ready access capital on demand on your terms.

Going back to my personal example, the reason I get so amped up about this is because we weren't rich. We were doing well financially, but we weren't rich. We were still able to implement this. We got rid of that 40 year amortization schedule in seven years, now at the end of that seventh year, I contacted my mentor the late R Nelson Nash.

He's the gentleman who developed this process of becoming your own banker, the infinite banking concept. He wrote a book titled becoming your own banker. It's a 92 page read that takes you about an afternoon to get through. We've got an awesome special for your group though. And I called him right away and I said, Nelson, I got rid of the snakes and dragons.

He said whoa, son, you have to be an honest banker. You have to finish the original loan schedule that you committed to. And you committed to flowing all that money through the books of someone else's bank. You need to be an honest banker and finish that original loan schedule, but you're just gonna change the process of who's getting the money.

The mortgage was about 430,000. If my memory serves me correctly, at that time, by the time we got rid of the commercial bank, we had a policy loan balance of about 226,000 or so, whose aquarium and pool of financial value kept rising every single day. Any guesses ?

Sarah: Yours.

Jayson: The entire time? So during that seven year period, when I was getting rid of the bank, what was my aquarium filling up with more money?

Sarah: Yeah, an opportunity.

Jayson: Isn't that good? After the bank was good, the payment that I was otherwise transferring away from my family is now coming back to my own aquarium and I get to reuse every penny. I didn't have to worry about anything other than staying alive. That's a pretty good thing to worry about.

For us, for our family that has since culminated into, we started with one contract, one policy, we have 62 policies in our family banking system now. We don't rely upon a commercial bank for anything other than the convenience of debit.
When an opportunity tracks me down, whether it's a real estate opportunity or otherwise I have ready access capital available to me on demand on my terms.

I'm in a position of total and absolute control. There isn't a single real estate investor that I've met with yet, who has said, gosh, I'd really rather continue with the frustration and I'd really rather continue accessing money on someone else's terms, who wants peace of mind who wants a peaceful stress free way of life in your real estate investment activities?
Every real estate investor does.

Sarah: I guess it's a way over time, not to, you have to utilize the banks and financing from the banks and you get your own financing. Now here's a question though. Cause I think this is a topic that is very rarely discussed. I don't know how new this concept is or if it's been around for so long, but now we've got companies that are out there talking about it.
You can answer that question, but. For somebody that gets started that wants to get started. I'm assuming this process does take some time to get there.

Jayson: Yeah.

Sarah: Or maybe more, maybe it doesn't, but maybe you can share like does it accumulate in small amounts? What does that even mean? Let's break it down a little bit more if you don't mind.

Jayson: Sure. We have clients that put in as little as a hundred dollars a month into contracts for their children. Or their grandchildren to get them an early head start, cause you can ensure a child that's 16 days old in this country. We have clients who put in multiple six figures every month who are higher net worth who have different financial objectives.

If you're somewhere in between those two numbers, as a starting point, we can help you. When you decide that this is a process that you want to implement you first and foremost have to have clarity on the process. This is not to get rich quick, anything. This is to get wealthy for sure. You do it incrementally.

You do it gradually over time. These policies cannot lose value. When I say get wealthy for sure. There's no going backward. The cash value in these contracts rises every single day. The life insurance company itself is guaranteeing the collateral for any policy loans that you access and so much more, but you need to understand the problem.

Otherwise the solution just won't matter to you at all. What I mean by that is if I just spent the entire podcast talking about how wonderful this process is and what an amazing tool it is and how you should put all your money through this process. If you don't understand, there's a problem in the first place, then my solution won't matter to you at all.

The problem is, and I'm speaking to all of your viewers and listeners and to both of you included, the problem is that you're doing all the work and everyone else is getting all your money. That's the problem. I talk to real estate investors all the time. Hey, who's got a higher margin of safety with all that equity that's building up in your real estate portfolio.

You are the banker all the time. You need to think about that. If you understand the four characters in the financial play, you've got the depositor, the borrower, the banker, and the bank owner. As a real estate investor. You're the depositor that's for sure. All your money's flowing through the books of someone else's bank.

You're the borrower because you need ready access to capital or to refinance or lever up your properties, whatever it is that you're doing, but you're not the bank owner. You're not the one who controls access to the pile of money. You don't set the terms either. You're definitely not the bank owner because you're not participating in any of the divisible profit generated by the bank.

When you implement this process, you become all four characters in the financial play. You're depositing a premium. In the form of money into these life insurance contracts, and you get to decide how much premium you want to deposit. You're the borrower, because when you need access to capital, you're gonna be accessing money on your terms.

You're the banker, because you become a co-owner of the very company that you're borrowing the capital from. You're the bank owner because you participate in the divisible profit generated by the life insurance company, with every product that they bring to market. Now you still accomplish the very same objective, which was to buy the real estate to repair it, to upgrade it, to whatever it, whatever your financial objectives are.

You still achieve those objectives. You're just changing the process by which you're going about achieving. You're doing it from the vantage point of being all four characters in the financial play. Not only two. Isn't that good?

Alfonso: I'm listening to this and it sounds great. You mentioned, as children, as young as 16 days old I'm a new father.
I have a son. That's congratulations. Thank you. I have a son that's just over three months old now and I've luckily had a great network within The REITE Club and all the people that we've met over the years and different concepts about setting. Your children are up for generational wealth.

Jayson: Yeah.

Alfonso: All the misnomers that we've learned growing up are to get a job and get a pension and all that good stuff. Now if I want to do this for my son and, obviously, you said as early as 16 days and start depositing as little as a hundred dollars a month or a thousand, or, multiple, six figures, like you can borrow like a multiple of what you're doing.

Let's just say we're starting off. And he's three months old and now we start depositing X amount per month. When can you start? If I put in a million dollars, can I borrow five times that six times that like, how does the actual functionality of working that actually work out?
Because that would be great. Because I think these days with the opportunities out there and the access to get deals quicker, a lot of people would be really interested in how to figure it out.

Jayson: Oh, big time. What I would say in response to your question. Every policy, every contract is like a fingerprint. They really, truly all are unique, but as a general rule of thumb, when you begin the process, you start going back to the example for your son. If you were putting a hundred dollars a month away for your son, you could begin accessing policy loans. As soon as the loan amount available, exceeded a minimum threshold for that life insurance company, which would be about 500 bucks.

My very first policy loan was for a car seat. Now I know that sounds right to the years and eyes of a real estate S they're like, oh my God, that's only I don't know, three, 400 bucks, like big deal. Here's what people aren't thinking about. If I took $500 of your money today and you just handed it over to me, how much interest could you earn on that $500 for the rest of your lifetime?

Alfonso: Oh, wow.

Jayson: Zero. Nothing. Because you gave me the money.

Alfonso: Okay. Fair. Yeah.

Jayson: How much interest can your son earn on that $500 for the rest of his lifetime?

Alfonso: Yeah, zero.

Jayson: Zero, cause you gave me all the money. This isn't about, Hey, let's build this to the point where we can go and finance the next skyscraper.
This is about taking advantage of this process gradually and incrementally and starting small, but some people start big, right? We deal with real estate investors, go look, I've got a 14 million portfolio and I'm cash flowing, 70,000 bucks a month. How much capital can I flow through my system? As much as you want.

Don't think that you have to be wealthy and you've gotta be, have a swimming pool full of cash. In order to begin this process, your son is gonna need the use of money for the rest of his lifetime. Whatever that medium of exchange is, whether it's dollars, whether it's crypto, digital, currencies, whatever that may be, but he will need the use of some money and someone, and some organization has control over a pool of money that has to flow at a cost. The more control you have and the larger your pool is, the more wealth you're gonna accumulate, but you can't learn this in 30 minutes.

Sarah: That's what I was gonna say. Like I have a lot of questions and you're explaining it really well, but then there's more questions that I have along the way. Can we just go back to your car seat example though? Let's just say you had $500 in that account and you borrowed it from that account to pay, then you determine, I wanna pay myself back 5%. Is that kind of how it would work?

Jayson: You're on the right track. You're thinking on the right track.
The insurance company itself is not going to ask you what your plans are to repay the loan. The reason is that the loan balance is a lie on the death benefit of the insurance policy and the insurance company itself is guaranteeing the collateral, your aquarium for the loan. You totally control it.
If you want to think about this in terms of real estate, add a few zeros to that 500. It just takes time to accumulate, but the longer you wait, the more you penalize yourself, because much like the example I used for your son, you're both gonna need the use of money for the rest of your lifetimes as well.

Step one is you've gotta read R Nelson Nash's book titled becoming your own banker. Step two, you've gotta go through a process of really familiarizing yourself with a thorough introduction to becoming your own banker, the infinite banking concept. Now we're gonna be doing that in the form of an exclusive what we call a bootcamp.

Now people pay upwards of $800 to be in attendance there. What we've done for your audience for your group is we put together what we've named the banker's vault. This is really attractive to real estate investment groups and all that it is a package. I like packages. Do you like packages? In that package, Nelson's book is included.

The book that I co authored titled the end asset for Canadians includes the case for IBC. The case for the infinite banking concept book is included. Enrollment to the bootcamp is included. I'll give you one, actually I'll ask you, and you can say from a place of authenticity that I did not preempt either of you on this before the show.

Sarah: Actually agree because I, you came on the show and I'm like, okay, what's the topic for today?

Alfonso: We're gonna talk about infinite banking.

Sarah: Yeah.

Jayson: Take a guess at what this package is. Is available to your listeners and viewers.

Sarah: I'm gonna guess free.

Jayson: Nope. Here's the reason why.

Sarah: I'm totally joking, but I'm totally guessing.
I have no clue how much. Do you know why it's free? No, you know what? Free is not good because if people don't spend a little bit of money, they will not actually read the book and they will not do it. So you gotta have a little bit of it.

Jayson: Precisely .

Sarah: So have no idea. Obviously free would be amazing if I can get one for free for me. I'm just kidding.

Jayson: People who pay attention. This whole package is a bank breaking $69 and 99 cents.

Sarah: That's good.

Jayson: That's less than a meal. That's less than what your time is worth to even vet a potential real estate investment opportunity because your time is valuable. We put this together, because we call it basically the deal and I'll just say this and please forgive me.
I'm not you'll have to humor me. Okay. This is I'm only kidding around, but we call this the dumb bleep offer. Referring to the butt area, the dumb bleep offer. You can bleep that out.

Sarah: You can say the dumb ass offer. It's all good.

Jayson: Okay, good. See. You said.

Sarah: It's all good. Our VAs will not edit this out.

Jayson: We make the offer so attractive that you'd have to be a dumb ass knot not to buy it. We share with folks all the time. This is again, just the honest to goodness truth as evidenced by if you just hop onto the Googles. Check out. We've got north of 525 star Google reviews from real people who actually implement this process in their lives.

We share with folks all the time, you've got to have clarity and you have to understand the problem before the solution will matter to you. So we focus first from a place of education. There you wouldn't talk to any client of ours who would ever say, oh my gosh, they really pressured me to move forward and to do something.

We take our time because we are the buyers in this process, not the seller, we're the ones making the decision as to whether or not we can establish a basis to work together.

If you can read a 92 page book, While also taking advantage of all the other resources that we're providing to you in the bankers vault, including access to our private Facebook community, our quarterly group, client coaching sessions, our client portal, which is an online treasure trove of training and resources at your fingertips.

My goodness you're in for some transformational change. If you want a peaceful stress free way of life financially, you've gotta get the bankers outta your life. The banking function should be held at the UN me level. We're in one of the worst messes financially out there that we've ever been in.

It's all because of the central banks, they're printing money like drunken sailors, and that process cannot continue without some severe financial calamity.

Sarah: I will add though, the central banks in Trudeau right now. Just putting it out there. We went political.

Jayson: Yeah. Regardless of political leanings, look, there's an addiction. There's an addiction at the government level and it's an addiction to spending. Nobody's talking about spending cuts, I'm reading all kinds of reports. Your viewers and listeners should be concerned. I'm a member of the conference for advanced life underwriting.

I get to meet with members of parliament every May for three days, also attending revenue, Canada round tables. You would follow to your chair. If you knew some of the proposals that are being considered right now, taxing the equity on your property. Applying a surcharge to properties valued at more than a million dollars.

Not only are you going to get taxed on it, you're gonna get taxed on it every year. I'll share with you, these policies, these dividend paying, participating whole life insurance contracts are exempt from the passive investment income tax rules. I say that again, they are exempt from the passive investment income tax rules. There's no greater exemption that exists in the tax code today.

Sarah: Why are they exempt from each other?

Jayson: Great question. The policy is a unilateral binding contract that has a death benefit. Heaven forbid not if, but when you die, there's going to be a lump sum called a death benefit that will be paid to your named beneficiaries income tax free.

Now the government views these contracts as solving a pretty significant social problem, because if we are providing for our families and working really hard and heaven forbid, something happens to us prematurely. The government doesn't have social programs available at a sustainable level and would prefer that you're taking care of this on your own, through a tax-free death benefit.

Now, the contract also provides what we just described, all of the financing characteristics, where you can borrow against an accumulating value, and you can do that on a tax free basis. When you get to retirement time, passive income time.

You decide you wanna start doing things with your real estate portfolio, maybe liquidating, transferring ownership, combination of the above when you die, your viewers and listeners might not be aware of this when you die, not if, but when you are deemed to have disposed of all of your capital property at fair market value at the moment of your death.

That includes the cottage on the lake, the real estate, the mutual funds, the art collection, the coin collection, the boat, the RV, all of it. Who's gonna pay the tax bill? Revenue, Canada doesn't accept any substitutes for money and the only way to turn property into money is liquidation. If you have a tax free death benefit, that shows up exactly when it's needed the most.

The only party that doesn't benefit from it is the government. That's my definition of the best investment one that pays you the most when it's needed the most. Isn't that good?

Sarah: Sounds awesome.

Alfonso: This is a topic. I think we're just scratching the surface on Jason, what you offer to our group to The REITE Club. The information that you shared today, like I said, I think we need to have you back on the podcast. We need to go a little bit further. To discuss this and maybe spend a little bit more time because you know what, this is very interesting. I think it really is just about educating yourself.
 Whether you're a first time investor, whether you're a veteran investor, anywhere in between the first time that you started investing, you started learning about it. It does seem like a lot of information. That's how I feel right now. Like I'm drinking water from a fire hose.

Jayson: I remember that.

Alfonso: Yeah, we have to get some taps and get some controls going so that we can understand a little bit better because it is so important to control your own financial destiny, generational wealth, how it's gonna impact the ones, the loved ones around you. And what your goals are.
Great conversation today. I think I've learned a lot, I'm gonna speak for Sarah. I think Sarah's learned a lot. But we're just just barely scratching the surface here, Jason.

Jayson: I agree.

Alfonso: At this point in the podcast, I think we're gonna get to our lightning round. Jason, are you ready for the lightning round?

Jayson: Fire away.

Sarah: All right. In 20 seconds or less. Okay. These are quick answers. Number one. What is the best advice that you have ever received from another investor or at a networking event?

Jayson: Only invest in what you know.

Alfonso: Love that. It does sound like a lot about what you're talking about today. Question number two, what is your favorite resource for real estate investing? That could be anything, a book training, a person, an event.

Jayson: Oh, my favorite resource hands down is Don Campbell.

Sarah: Yeah. Is a great resource. He's probably I've read all his books through, on my bookshelf right there. It's Canadianized, which I love.

Jayson: Absolutely. He is a man with just near perfect integrity. I have nothing but great things and the utmost respect for him.

Sarah: Absolutely. Awesome. Question number three. What is the one attribute in your opinion that has made you most successful?

Jayson: Perseverance.

Alfonso: For sure, definitely need that trying times unprecedented times that perseverance, not letting anything stop you.
Last question of the lightning round. What do you do on a typical Sunday morning?

Jayson: I make breakfast for my family, like clockwork without a veil.

Alfonso: What's breakfast do you guys need?

Jayson: We have scrambled eggs. We have bacon, we have toast and we have potato hash Browns. My beautiful wife, Rebecca, makes the best coffee on planet earth. I look forward to that and we also do dinners as well. We host our entire family for dinner every Sunday. We've been doing it for as long as I can remember. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Sarah: Amazing. That's awesome. Jason, thank you for playing the lightning round. Where can our REITE Club nation reach out and find out more?

Jayson: Oh, gosh two ways. First one is if you've got a smartphone I've never had or talked to anybody who has a dumb phone, but if you have a smartphone text the word CLUB to 7808094599 or visit us at

Now, as of today, January 17th, that landing page is just being finalized in its construction. But by the time this episode has aired, that offer will be there ready for you to take advantage of. We'll courier it wherever it needs to go in Canada. And I look forward to hearing from you and stay tuned as well.

We're gonna be announcing dates for some exclusive events for your Club. We're going to go through in-depth case studies. We're gonna have real examples to walk through to educate your group. And I promise you, your group will be very glad that they attended.

Alfonso: Yeah, definitely looking forward to that.
Any last words of advice or anything that you'd like to share with The REITE Club nation?

Jayson: Yeah, I would just say, if you're looking ahead to 2022, just make sure that you take your vitamins. Vitamin A for action, Vitamin C for courage and vitamin C for determination. I know that may sound corny, but I'll tell you it really matters.
If you're setting out to achieve some very specific goals this year, you've heard the expression new year, new you . It's a new year. Same as you, it's up to you to surround yourself with a great network. Like this one, like-minded people don't be a lone ranger. Take your vitamins and put the work in and you'll achieve results. I promise you.

Sarah: Amazing. Take your vitamins, Jason, thank you so much for so much insight. I am excited about this topic. I think it is a way of the future, something different and something that you can have for a very long term. I'm looking forward to having you back teaching us some more like Alfonso said that we just scratched the service today.

Jayson: It would be my pleasure anytime. Thanks again for having me.

Alfonso: Thanks, Jason. Wow. My ears are smoking. My brain is just I'm like, just so amazed right now with what we just learned, the infinite banking system, the get wealthy for sure. And really looking at banking. Like I think for me before this interview, we were always like, yeah, getting access to capital.

It's the bank's money, use their money, but still how much money they're making on us using their banking system. So why not investigate and learn a little bit more about this system and how we can apply. But Sarah, what were some of your takeaways? It was a great conversation with Jason today.

Sarah: At the end of the day, I think the biggest takeaway is there are ways that you can be the bank yourself and not rely on the big institutional financial. Banks of Canada or banks in Canada, and it just could make things a lot smoother again. There's tons of other information.
I would just suggest going to the link that Jason mentioned and reach out to him, get the package, read it. It definitely sounds like a good opportunity to learn something different and diversify at the same time as understanding how you don't have to rely on the banks forever. That was a big takeaway Alfonso. Anything that you wanna add on that?

Alfonso: I think, as business owners, as investors, we always wanna do our due diligence. Sometimes you get your backup deal. That sounds too good to be true. I think about the first time that you heard about real estate investing for a lot of your listeners. You guys have been doing it for a long time and now it's old hat, but for those, newer investors.

Think still real estate investing. Oh, wait. There's a catch. There's something new. It's headline news now. If you can control your own financial destiny and control how you're making money and keep more of it in your own pocket. Isn't that the whole point? Yeah. Great talk, check out all the info.

We'll have all the information in the show notes as well too. Definitely check that out and yeah. Have an eye out for more of Jason and the information that we're gonna be. We're gonna be sharing with you guys, The REITE Club community. Till next time, Sarah, I don't know. What do we always say?

Sarah: We usually say, come grow with us, but we are gonna say, come customize your life.

Alfonso: Yes, love it. See you next time, guys.

DJ: Thanks for listening to The REITE Club podcast and joining our community of real estate investors online at, where the focus is about helping you grow. We look forward to seeing you again next week. Thanks from your hosts, Sarah Larbi and Alfonso Salemi.