Laurel Simmons: Welcome REITE Club community to another podcast, and I am joined with my co-host Sarah Larbi. We get such interesting guests and we get people coming in and we're so excited when it comes out.
Jonathan's a great speaker and he's got some really interesting background. It sounds like he was raised with real estate. Like he was born into a real estate investing family and it's like in his bones, in his DNA, doesn't it?.
Sarah Larbi: Absolutely. I think this is a great podcast if you guys are looking for something to help you manage your portfolio. Have, the, like anything, it's like really anything from advertising to managing the portfolio, to managing your tenants, managing your trades, collecting payments. Like we actually talk about what he's built in the software. It is quite interesting and I will say, at the time of recording, there is a hefty discount.
On what he is offering for the REITE club community. I think it's really cool. On a side note though, before we get on with our interview with Jonathan Margel, feel free to leave a rating and review if you enjoy the podcast and check out We've got events happening all the time, we've got forums, we've got the marketplace, we've got tons of new things coming out every single week, so don't forget to check that out. And let's bring in Jonathan. Jonathan, welcome to the show. How are you?
Jonathan Margel: Doing very well. Good evening. Thanks for having me.
Sarah Larbi: We're excited to have you. I'm here with Laurel and you have a great platform that I'm super excited about. But before we get into that you are also a real estate investor, and a great portfolio. Can you give us a little bit of an overview on how you got started in real estate investing and what your portfolio consists of today before we get into your business?
Jonathan Margel: Great place to start. So I was fortunate enough to be born into a family. Involved in real estate. So it's really the only industry that I've been exposed to for the greater part of my life. So the portfolio consists of multi-family, commercial, some industrial properties Montreal, it's Toronto, Quebec City. It's something that's been a big part of my life and something that I've been exposed to from all angles for many years.
Hence using that experience and background. To A, enhance our own portfolio, and B, build something out that we're fortunate enough to be adopted by over 300 different management companies across the country today in building stack. So it's very exciting to have turned something into that.
Sarah Larbi: Very cool. Now, building Stack, how did that concept originally come about? How did you decide to create this type.
Jonathan Margel: Like I said, I've been exposed to the industry and the ins and outs and many of the different pain points over time. Even dating back to 13 years old, 14 years old experiencing through my family and the business that way.
I would say really the inspiration came a little bit after university when I took my first job as a property manager for a big company in Montreal. I was managing about 2000 apartments all across Montreal and, very quickly rose up within the ranks and lots of different and lots.
It was a big job description and there was many different day-to-day tasks that I. And I would say it was it was really shaped and inspired by a couple years of work experience with that company managing many tenants, managing a big staff, going to the rental board, fielding phone calls, happy, angry emails, all that.
It became very clear to me what was lacking in the industry. And quickly, almost overnight, I became extremely motivated to do something about it and sat down. With my partner Pablo, who's an engineer, and someone who has a very beautiful mind and interesting way of looking at things. And we started putting down on paper some solutions for those issues and that's how it started.
Laurel Simmons: Did she come up with ideas? Did you know that you wanted to do software right away because, or was there a specific type of software that you zeroed in on? Because it's a big leap from doing what you were doing in the property management field to creating software. That's a big chasm to jump over.
Jonathan Margel: For both my partner and myself, neither of us had any experience in software. My partner is an electrical engineer. I'm a geek, I'm a nerd. I love my computers, my devices, and technology. But so it just happened. At the end of the day we hired people to build out the platform and we dictated what we wanted it to do and what we wanted it to solve.
It was really just two people, one kind of bring. This background and experience in real estate and the other with many other diverse skills to help put it together and make it a reality. It just happened. And now, 10 years later, 11 years later we're very much software people, but it's not like we studied that or anything leading up.
Sarah Larbi: Absolutely. So I think there's definitely a need for building stack, for small to medium to, you mean you've got clients that are large landlords and property management companies as well.
Let's talk about your software and what it does and also, what add-ons you can have as well, because I think you have different options. But, let's talk about just an overview of what it can do and how it can help investors. Small or large investors. And then we'll go from there.
Jonathan Margel: I love the question. It's a lot of fun for me to answer every time. I'll keep it simple. At the end of the day when we got started the initial things that we're looking to resolve was enhancing communication between management and tenants. This was being done and still very much is, .And we'll get into that later. On the phone by email, literally three different colored copies that you'd write, scribble some notes and slip it in a box and texting your landlords. None of this made sense. So we wanted to build out a tenant portal buzzword place.
That everyone has an account. Everyone can log in, communicate with one another, my toilet is broken. Take a picture, explain the situation. It's triaged to the correct person in the management company. So that's one big feature. Another big thing that we created a wonderful solution for early on was online run payment.
It doesn't make sense. Collecting $10,000 cash, dipping it in your pocket, running to the bank. It's sketchy. Taking pictures of checks or writing it out and bringing the like checks will not exist. We realize that many years ago they're still around, but likely not for long. Doesn't make sense.
E-transfer, managing passwords. There had to be a better way. So we built out in this 10 portal that there's a button, then click it. They see how much they owe, they can pay by their bank account, debit card, credit cards, set up recurring payments. The landlord can set up pad or recurring payments on the tenant's behalf.
It's just the way it should be. It's the way it will be across the board very soon. And we're early movers in that sense. So that's a second big feature that we have. And I would say the third one, and again, there's probably five, 600 different features and he could take up the entire podcast.
Another big thing is you have several vacancies. What are you doing? You're going on K Gigi, you're going on this site, you're going on that site, and you're doing things over and over again. It's extremely repetitive and it's a big waste of time. You create five vacant units on five different websites.
That takes a while. Then you're like, ah, it's too cheap, it's too expensive. So then you have to go 25 times to edit everything. So the whole concept was because you're managing your portfolio units, vacancies, use renewals, etc, on our platform, we know it's vacant, we know it will be vacant.
We'll automatically stitch together and add based on the different data points that you specified on the platform. And we'll syndicate it, push it to all the different sites in real time, make your changes in one place one time, and we'll do the rest. And then give you the feedback of where the leads are coming from.
You can see which channels, how am I spending my money? Does this channel make sense? Should I put more money here? You can send out a credit check. And very soon we're gonna be also rolling out. Would you like to sign your release online? You'll be able to do that in a matter of a few weeks on building stock as well.
Laurel Simmons: Say a smaller, if I'm a landlord, an investor who has maybe five. Say five properties or 10, yeah. Let's say 10 properties, 10 doors and 10 separate properties. I'm not talking about an apartment building. 10 separate properties. What would be the advantage of me buying that? You've touched on it a little bit, but I'm a smaller person, so why would I want to do that?
Jonathan Margel: Look at the end of the day, if you're an enterprise level REIT or you're someone who's managing 10 doors single family. We've built something that applies to any different asset class and any portfolio of any size. We want to work with people that have five, 10 units. We want to work with people that have 6,000 units, and we do, and we price the platform accordingly. There's a sliding scale based on how big your portfolio is. That's one criteria for pricing. And then the next thing is, which module are you interested in?
We did structure it in a way to allow ourselves to work with anyone and to answer your question properly. Look, you're starting with 10 units, but the goal is to get to 20 and then to 30. But when you're going down that path, you know there's a lot of inefficiencies that pop up that will bog you down and they'll slow you down.
Then, you'll be wasting your time chit-chatting with tenants in person and running around on your phone, like you need something centralized, organized. No more spreadsheets, no more kinds of fragmented tools. You need everything that's in one place that can basically help you in many different ways.
That's the building stack. We help people grow. We help people do more with their time. We help people add infinite efficiencies across the board. We like to use the word throughout the tenant lifecycle because there's so many different points in that tenant lifecycle that we address.
Sarah Larbi: Absolutely. I think there's a, from the demo and I've seen it a couple times that you've shown us at different webinars that we've done. The stuff that I think is going to be key is being able to advertise it automatically, send to different platforms, and then the tenant communication is two tenants back and forth, but also bringing in your property manager, your team.
To be able to have one platform to communicate. And I think that a big reason too is that everything is documented. If you ever have to go to court for everything, or anything at all, it's all there. Rather than just like scribbles, like you said, on a piece of paper. You've got all your documents, the dates, the timestamps, who went, who saw it, what the client said, or what the tenant said, etc.
I think that's really cool. But there's tons there's tons of things that the platform can do to simplify a landlord's life or a real estate investor's life so that you aren't working in the business, you're working on the business.
Jonathan Margel: Absolutely and look, at the end of the day, sorry, go for it.
Sarah Larbi: Go ahead. I think there was just a delay. Go for it.
Jonathan Margel: Just a quick comment. At the end of the day, I've been to the round board 500 times, 600 times. I know what that's all about. I went there unorganized with scribbled paper. Sometimes I'd win, sometimes I'd lose. We've literally built out a tool, a simple document that you can export once you've been chit-chatting with your tenants, with your staff, whoever it may be, to show who read it, who didn't read it, on which day at which time, photos, messages, it's very organized. It's exactly what people need. Good luck doing that. Without a system like this it's very challenging.
Sarah Larbi: You're basically taking systems and processes. You've put it into a software that, Likely a property manager managing thousands of rentals or hundreds of rentals, had the time and the effort and the people to build it. But you're giving it to small and medium landlords to be able to utilize those same systems and processes that somebody with a big, large team would have created over thousands of dollars. But you're essentially giving this in a software easy to use platform.
Jonathan Margel: I love that you said that. That's exactly the situation. Whatever we offer today has been influenced by many different landlords of all different sizes, experiencing many different situations over a decade, and all that feedback and all that kind of back and forth and things that we've learned is now represented. And absolutely if someone's getting started, they will benefit from experts and industry leaders. Without a question.
Laurel Simmons: Have you noticed an increase in business or a change in your business with the pandemic over the last year? And if so, what's happening?
Jonathan Margel: I don't wanna boast too much, but 2020 was a historic year for us and we actually ended it off breaking every single possible record in the month, December and it's continuing into 2021. It's an unfortunate situation. No one's having fun, but thank God that we're busy, we're growing faster than ever. There's been a huge influx of inbound demand, which is nice that the people are looking for what we do and they're finding us and they're ultimately working with us.
We onboarded well over a hundred new clients, actually probably over 150 clients last year. And it's not slowing down anytime soon. So people realize that the days of spreadsheets and like I mentioned before, are kind of siloed systems or nothing, literally, some people manage on paper and pen.
I dunno if you, you believe me, but we see it and they realize, wow, I see my tenants in person anymore. I can't run around and schlep to the buildings and do many of the different things I used to do. So yeah the pandemic and Covid has really helped boost our business and that part is exciting and it's a lot of fun to continue to grow at an exponential pace and to help people across the board, across the country.
Laurel Simmons: What kind of feedback are you getting from the tenants? Because there's always two sides in this relationship, right? There's the landlord, and then there's the tenant. So this must make it easier for tenants too. How do you find the relationship, or is it changing? Is that relationship between tenant and landlord changing and what kind of feedback are you getting from them?
Jonathan Margel: We don't really speak to tenants that often unless we're helping them, with their password that they lost. They're helping them pay online or use the system, whatever. Like we're not getting too much feedback just being transparent, but keeping it real. No tenant wants to run down to a rental office or anything in per they want just, I have a problem. Pull out my phone, take a picture, explain the situation. Simple. No one wants to write a check and the envelope with the st like it doesn't make sense anymore.
Without being too naive, it's the best possible situation. For a tenant to be in is to rent from a landlord who has a platform online. That's super easy for them. We literally do everything that a tenant could possibly want to do. Pay the rent online quickly, submit work orders quickly, receive important notices if you're, for example, closing the water.
Wouldn't you wanna get a text message saying, Sarah, we're closing the water at, 8:00 AM tomorrow. Just a heads up. You're not gonna look at a piece of paper that was slipped in your mailbox or posted in the common area. You're gonna look at your phone. So those are two huge things and other little things that we do which are nice is, if you have a document that you wanna share with the tenant, scan the lease, send it to them.
You can share documents on the platform if you have any garbage or recycling hours. Put that there. Emergency contacts, whatever. We actually just rolled out tenant perks. So there's a huge advantage to tenants signing up to the platform. We're starting to partner with different businesses to give them significant discounts for very convenient, frequently used different products, let's say.
That's a big one too. And that's really all the tenant needs and done some. Yeah, I mean it's probably the best thing for a tenant cause it just lets them go on with their day and just be a tenant and not be stressed.
Sarah Larbi: Absolutely. Now you can also communicate with trades people on there and get them and send them to specific addresses and get the feedback. How does that work?
Jonathan Margel: Basically, let's say you're a property management company. You have your core team, whether you have trades that are in-house or that you outsource, just add them to the system, give them specific permissions, choose which buildings that they'll have access to or not, and if you have a situation, Tenant complains, Hey, my pipe is leaking.
Here's a picture. You could either automatically dispatch that based on the building and or category of that work order to a plumber. You can send it to yourself, read it, and manually triage that out if you wish. Absolutely. There's an application for the whole employee side, the whole trade side just as much as there, there is a tenant.
Sarah Larbi: Can you walk us through how payment collection happens then? How do you have that set up in your software?
Jonathan Margel: I'd love to. At the end of the day, the first step is you are creating a merchant account. It's very similar to opening up a bank account. Who owns the building, who owns the company.
You just explain the situation. Same stuff as filling out a document to open up a new bank account. But even less, let's say, and then you would say, okay, this is my portfolio. I have three banks, and these are the banks. That are associated with each building.
You model that and then you're good to go. Then there's a button that pops up on the tenant side, and the tenant sees it. There's three different options, like I mentioned before, bank debit, credit card, and they can choose to set up a recurring payment. They can log in once a month. And just pay as a one-off, let's say funds go directly to that building's bank account.
It's extremely transparent, who paid how much they paid for the reference number. You'll see the same reference number in your bank. It gets to you extremely quickly on average, one to three days later. You're paid very frequently the next day, and that's it. Simple. And ready to go, ready to help anyone listening who's excited to hear this.
Sarah Larbi: Somebody that's listening is probably thinking what about like fees? Are there fees in terms of having the money sent there before it gets transferred, number one. And then number two, talk to us about the security features to make sure that money just doesn't disappear into thin air.
Jonathan Margel: Yes. Sorry that I forgot to mention the fees. So basically there are different fees associated with the different payment options. By default, we charge this to the tenant. So if the tenant wants to pay by bank, great, there's a fee associated with it. If they want to pay with a credit card, there's a slightly higher fee associated with it, ultimately, all by default absorbed by the tenant.
That being said, we do have some options for a couple bucks a month $39. Specifically if you have less than 125. You can basically make payments unlimited and free for the tenants via bank. So a lot of people have been doing that during covid. So you'll have three options. One will be free for tenants, the other two have a fee, a percentage if they choose to pay by credit card and get some air miles.
Great. There you go. Just absorb it. So yeah, there's some different options there. And with respect to security, my partner is definitely a security. He tells me often that whatever encryption and security that we have in place is far more secure than many banks in the country. So it's really zero problem.
It's really top-notch software that we've been building over time with security in mind, with everything in mind, back making sure that there's backups, making sure that it's quick, making sure that it's easy to use. So it's really a zero concern in my eyes. Yeah, I mean it's really a no-brainer for anyone to adopt and to get started with.
Laurel Simmons: I can imagine that, when you started out, you, the platform was fairly limited. That's you start out with the basics, right? And then you add on. That's just the nature of software. Where do you see this going in the next few years? Because you must have ideas and you must see a lot of change in the real estate industry and in the property management.
Jonathan Margel: Every day we're making improvements. Every day we're adding new features. We're getting feedback. Did you think of this, Hey, this is our situation. We'll try to find a creative way of handling it. If not we'll often make changes, so it really never ends like you're alluding to. When we got started off, we were a team of two, and then we're a team of four, and now we're a team of 30 in-house in Montreal. Getting things done very quickly.
Literally, everyone's been building real estate software for many years. So it's all that we all know at this point. Every year we roll out probably a dozen huge new features. Like I mentioned, we saw Covid and some of the trends that we were seeing or hearing about. So we realized, you know what, we're helping people post ads, we're helping tenants fund units.
We're sending out their credit check. Skip a few steps, then we're signing them up, collecting rent, communicating helping communication with them, and then ultimately, hopefully, maximizing retention. But there is a missing piece that we realize that let's sign the lease online through the platform.
We know who the tenant is. Ultimately, someone's gonna be adding that information anyways. We may as well piece that all together. So that's right around the corner. We're gonna be adding a very exciting online document signing online lease signature add-on. I believe this week we're gonna be adding a lot of people.
Usually our bigger clients have been requesting, they want to punch in, punch out for their trades to be able to assign specific costs with different tickets. So that's something we're rolling out in the next like time tracking, time stamping to keep track of maintenance and it never ends.
When you ask where do I see it, it just, the answer is continuing to grow, continuing to build. Obviously, the way the system is today was not the way it looked five years ago or earlier. So it's really just an endless whiteboard of ideas that we have and just picking and choosing which ones make the most sense at the right time.
Just executing. That's where we're at. And I guess to properly answer the question, right now we're focused on Canada, but there's no reason why this doesn't work in the States, doesn't work in Europe, in England, in France, it's a bilingual software anywhere. Tenants at tenants, managers, a manager, there's always that relationship.
Whatever we built could very much apply anywhere in the world. But right now there is a big focus on Canada cuz there's a lot of people out there that are using nothing. So we just need to find them or make sure they find us.
Laurel Simmons: Okay. So Jonathan, when's your IPO? Come on. What are you going to do in public?
Jonathan Margel: It might happen. Look, no plans for it. Right now we're having a lot of fun and again it's all in house. It's pri privately held company. So it's it's fun kind of being our own bosses. It may happen down the line. I'm not gonna lie, but no time soon. I'll let you know.
Sarah Larbi: We might have some, a REITE club community member thinking, this might be something that they would wanna learn more and see if it works for them. What, and where can they go to find out more and what do we recommend that they do.
Jonathan Margel: For sure the best move is to go to building All the different modules are very clearly explained there. We have beautiful images, everything. Everything's very fresh and beautiful, and you'll know exactly what we do and you'll fund a plan that makes sense for you. For sure. There's a way. That we can add value to anyone who goes to the site who's managing real estate.
Go there. You could easily, there's probably 400 buttons. Book a demo. So book a demo. You'll get in touch with our sales team. We'll walk you through the platform with pleasure. We'll show you exactly what we do, how it works. We'll find a way of getting started together so that's the best move.
If you wanna speak to myself directly, I'm a big lover of LinkedIn, so you could reach out to me on LinkedIn, Jonathan Margel with the little Canadian flag emoji at the end of the name and reach out to me. I love when people send that, they're interested to find out more. And often I'll walk people myself through the platform, if not put them in touch with the right individuals. So that's a great way to get started.
Sarah Larbi: It sounds just to summarize it, to reach out and go to the book, the demo section, and then the REITE club community mentioned the REITE club there is a huge discount at the time of recording. It might change, but it's very significant. Thank you, Jonathan for that.
Jonathan Margel: Yes,. With pleasure. And basically just to double down on what you mentioned, there is a box that says, how did you find out about us? Where did you hear about us? Make sure to write to the REITE club. If you forgot, no problem. Just make sure to mention verbally and we'll take care of you with a very significant discount and special offer that we've never extended to anyone else before.
Sarah Larbi: Thank you for that. Guys, I would just suggest, if you're curious, do the demo. You can have your advertising, your tenants signing, your management of the tenants, your payments incoming from there, communication with your trades.
You've got lots of options. So I saw the demo a couple times cause I think we did a webinar and then you just showed me one-on-one as well. And it is really cool. And then, knowing me, I had to ask Jonathan for what we can offer the REITE club community. And it actually is really good. Like I'm not just saying that it's very significant. So thank you for that.
Jonathan Margel: I'm happy you asked and I'm happy that you saw through the demos and have such nice things to say.
Sarah Larbi: Cool. So the next part, Jonathan, of our podcast is our lightning round. Laurel and I will each take turns asking you a total of four questions and you're gonna give us the first answer that comes to mind. Are you ready?
Jonathan Margel: Let's do it.
Sarah Larbi: All right. Question number one. What is the best advice that you have ever received from another investor or at a networking event?
Jonathan Margel: You know what, I'll just say that I received the advice for myself. I love going to networking events and the best advice that I would give to someone is schmooze and talk to people and get out there. Don't be, weirdo in the corner waiting for people to look at you and come to you, go to them. If you don't talk to people, you'll never find out. You'll never know what's going on. You'll never unlock opportunities. Speak to everyone, be friendly, and be polite. It's so important, especially at networking events.
Laurel Simmons: You mean like you don't go to a network event, networking event and sit there at a table looking at your phone and never looking at anybody else? Cause we've seen a lot of that.
Jonathan Margel: It's almost insane. That you go to the real estate forum. There's 500 people and there's a lot of people that are keeping to themselves like you just mentioned it's literally called networking Go Network.
Sarah Larbi: I'll say, so I'm gonna play devil's advocate here because there's some people that are reserved, right? Extroverted, introverted and sometimes I hear from many people like it is almost their biggest fear. Other than public speaking to the network. And so I don't think it's as easy as we think so I would just say like I'm guilty of it too, you look at someone's phone and then be like, are they not interested? They could just be really shy and this could be one of their fears just throwing it out there. Cause I'm sure there's something that's listening. That's yes, that's me. I want to, but I'm scared. I wasn't always so outgoing, like I used to be introverted, so I get.
Jonathan Margel: Look I guess to, to double down on, on double's advocate. Why are you going to this event in the first place to learn to improve? Yes, there's always an education or often an educational component. You sit down, you take your notes, you absorb but no one's there to be mean, no one's there to be rude. Everyone's in it together.
No one's competing. It's a pleasure for everyone too. I would encourage that if you're shy, take a chance, get out there, hi, how are you doing? What do you do? It goes a long way. It's literally what it's meant for.
Sarah Larbi: Get outta your comfort zone and you guys can always come and talk to any of us, we're gonna help you connect with others and bridge that gap and make it easier.
Laurel Simmons: Exactly. Okay, Jonathan, question number two. What is your favorite resource for real estate investing? And it, that can be a book, is it training? Is it a person, somebody you follow? What's your favorite resource?
Jonathan Margel: It's 100% my father. It's the person that I respect the most in the industry. Someone I speak to daily about the portfolio, about things that are changing about my business. Without a question he's very experienced. He's in his seventies. He's seen it all. He's been involved for many years. So for sure I have to answer that. And then I guess one degree further.
Definitely a network of family, friends, other people involved in the industry whose ears I have. And even clients that reach out to me or that I reach out to chit chat with and learn from them. I love to speak to people, mentors, if you will, and learn that way so that's the biggest resource people have without questions.
Sarah Larbi: All right. Awesome. Question number three. What is the one attribute that has made you Jonathan, most successful?
Jonathan Margel: I would say being friendly and confident. It goes a long way. I love similar networking questions. Question number one. It's in my nature, it's a smile to be friendly, to speak with anyone, to make people feel comfortable.
It goes a long way. I think I used the word schmoozer before. I'm a great schmoozer. I love to chit chat with people. I love to just learn from people's experience, see what's out there without a question that's made a significant contribution to our success.
Laurel Simmons: Okay. And that makes a lot of sense. Jonathan, the last question number four, what do you typically do on a Sunday morning?
Jonathan Margel: Okay, we're getting completely off real estate now. I'm gonna wake up. Going to put a bagel on the toaster, little margarine. Play with the kids for a bit. Watch some pre NFL television in this room over here. The famous man cave. Definitely gonna put on five different football games at once. Sit down, watch them all go to the dolphins and really not move for the rest of the day. Just work from here and answer my emails, watch all the games, kids come in and out. Play with them. I love Sundays. It's the best day. It's the sports day. It's family day. Happy you asked that. And that's the answer.
Laurel Simmons: There you go. We now know that you have kids that love sports and you'd like to have fun on Sunday. So yeah. That is related to real estate because why are you doing this if it's not to do what you enjoy, right?
Jonathan Margel: For sure. Without a question. And I was listening to some of the previous lightning round questions. I'm a little sad you didn't say, what do you do for fun? Cause I had some really good ideas. But do you wanna ask a fifth question or not?
Laurel Simmons: What do you do for fun?
Sarah Larbi: That's like actually a question for the where should I invest podcast. What do you do for fun? Go ahead. You can answer it.
Jonathan Margel: I'm joining them all up. When Covid started, I realized I'm staying at home, not gonna be doing much. So what did I do? I bought four chickens and I raised the chickens in my backyard and I started collecting eggs with the family and taking care of these birds and completely out of left field.
I did it and I had a great time doing it when I got a cold. Sent them off to Havelock, Ontario to a good friend's ranch. And now my winter hobby is unsuccessfully trying to put together a backdoor rink. It's not working. There's a lot of leaks and I'm very close to giving up, so that's what I do for fun, even though the rink is really a burden and actually not fun at all. It's terrible.
Sarah Larbi: Other than the rink, it looks like you're having a good time now. What kind of chickens are they? Are they like, they're nice, cute, furry chickens, or are they just regular white chickens, or what?
Jonathan Margel: They're white chickens. Put different color bands around their legs. So I could tell who observed their personality like a big weirdo. And it's amazing. We literally got four eggs a day, almost every single day, the entire time that we had them. The whole family was eating amazing fresh eggs and it was just the best experience.
Sarah Larbi: Very cool. That's awesome. All right, Jonathan, where can the REITE Club community reach out to you specifically?.
Jonathan Margel: Like I said before on LinkedIn, feel free to send me a message if you wanna send me an email directly, Those are probably the two best ways and I'm very quick to reply, so if you reach out, get ready for a quick reply.
Sarah Larbi: Awesome. And we always ask this at the end. Jonathan, any final last words of advice?
Jonathan Margel: I love what you guys are doing. I know it's not advice, but just huge kudos as part of my final words. Look at it at the end of the day, everyone has to start somewhere. There, find a way of being able to do more with your time. Like I mentioned, that's literally the reason we're around everyone who's listening is an investor or a manager in real estate. If you're getting started with one unit, two units, a dozen units, whatever it is, you obviously want to grow. You obviously want to take it to the moon.
So align yourself with the right tools, the right features to help you get there. And I'd love to help. Along that journey and yeah, it's like a self-promotion, but that's great advice to, to help people grow, honestly.
Sarah Larbi: Awesome. Thank you so much, Jonathan, for being on the show. It was a pleasure having you on.
Jonathan Margel: Thank you so much for having me. It's the best.
Sarah Larbi: All right. That was a different podcast than what we're used to doing usually. But I will say that he want, we wanted to bring him on because he's got a software that I think is gonna be really helpful to our community, to, myself to, small, medium, large real estate investors to be able to have everything all at once and be able to really focus on working on the business rather than in it.
I think it's great software. I think Jonathan's built an amazing portfolio himself and he's also built an amazing company going from two to four to 30 employees. It is cool, like he's got that entrepreneurial mindset and he's been successful doing it.
Laurel Simmons: He just, it was really fun to listen to him talk. And obviously he's having fun with it, right? Because you don't have that kind of passion if you're not having fun with something. And he's taken all his experience and it sounds like his family's involved. He's talked about his dad and all the he's he and his partner.
There were just two of them that started, they started putting their ideas down and this thing has grown and grown, and now it's to the place where it doesn't matter what you, whether if you just have one door or 1000 doors it's gonna add value to what you do and save you time and money, right? Because we all can make more money, but not one of us can make more time. Just doesn't happen.
Sarah Larbi: That's true. And most of us do real estate for the time when you peel it back, right? The money is great, but the money buys you time and experiences and lifestyle. So, it's a great concept. It's a great idea. I hope I hope you guys enjoyed today's podcast and until next time, REITE Club Community, come grow with us.
Laurel Simmons: Bye.
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