ARNEL-LLEMIT-1637316866's blog

    What Borrowers Need to Know with Konstantin Kuligin


    Laurel: Hello, REITE club nation. It's Laurel Simmons here. Before we get started, I wanted to ask you a quick question. Have you checked out our online community? I really hope you do because our online community is a place where you can find lots of education, training, and information about real estate investing and about general business, plus it's a great place to network with like-minded people.

    How to invest in Detroit as a Canadian with Voytek Mardula and James Lloyd


    Voytek: So people are not moving because there's nothing else available. There's nothing for them to go. And so it's creating huge pressure on, and the rent are actually going up. Which is crazy steadily and people have nowhere to move to. So you're getting your rent paid faster and it's creating a really good environment for landlords, I believe, for for decades to come.

    Katherine: Hey, Daniel, how are you doing this evening? 

    Daniel: I am doing fine. And we're going to be talking about Detroit. 

    Federal Budget Insights – Tax & Accounting with Travis Redding


    Daniel: Hello, REITE Club nation. This is Daniel St-Jean, one of the co-founders. Before we get started, I wanted to ask you a quick question. Have you checked out the ROC yet? What's the ROC? It's the REITE Club Online Community, a place where you can go to find your real estate investing and business answers and network with like-minded people.

    The Power of Other People’s Money with Kunal and Karan Malhotra


    Laurel: Hello REITE club nation. It's Laurel Simmons here. Before we get started, I wanted to ask you a quick question. Have you checked out our online community? I really hope you do because our online community is a place where you can find lots of education, training, and information about real estate investing and about general business. It's a great place to network with like-minded people. We have interactive forums, all our podcast episodes and tons of videos about a wide range of topics. It's free to join. Be sure to come grow with us at

    Importance of working with investor-focused realtors with Enza Manduca and Meaghan Lazenby


    Enza: I love the freedom of running my own business. But that also comes with, as you guys know a lot of work, a lot of sacrifice, but it's knowing that, Hey, now I actually have a chance to meet my dream and reach my dream versus in the corporate world. I would make 2% and I was exceeding their expectations.