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    Playing Outside the Sandbox to Scale your Portfolio with Sarah Larbi


    Francois: Hello, REITE Club, Francois Lanthier, co-hosting with Katherine from The REITE Club. Today we're gonna have an awesome guest we've reversed, I guess the tables or the seats, Sarah Larbi co-founder of The REITE Club is in the hot seat today. Katherine, what's new with you? What's happening?

    2022 Federal Budget Insights – Mortgages & Financing with Brian Hogben


    Sarah: Hey REITE club nation, it's Sarah Larbi here. And welcome to this podcast episode. Recently, we had a special national webinar event related to the numerous federal budget announcements about real estate and brought together a number of experts to offer their thoughts on what this can mean to you.

    Scaling your Portfolio – Success is in the Details with Axel Monsaingeon


    Axel: I'd rather do no deal than be stuck in a bad deal. And at the beginning, we are eager to make things work and to find a solution and stuff like that. Sometimes just some deals are just not meant to be, or they're just not for you. And you do have to walk away.

    2022 Federal Budget Insights for Real Estate Investors from a Realtor’s Perspective with Christopher Hummell


    Daniel: Hello REITE Club nation. This is Daniel St. Jean, one of the co-founders. Before we get started I wanted to ask you a quick question. Have you checked out the ROC yet? What's the ROC? It's The REITE Club Online Community, a place where you can go to find your real estate investing and business answers and network with like-minded people.

    First investment property at 14 – now at over 3500 deals with Scott Ulmer


    Scott: I think as a season investor, some of the initial hesitations and not letting fear get in your way and not get your mind too much. But again, I think that I've talked to folks that have been around for a period and I see some apprehension and because of where the market is, and some uncertainty, if you're looking and you know where to look, there are always opportunities, no matter the market. And I would urge you as a seasoned investor to not take yourself out of the game.