ARNEL-LLEMIT-1637316866's blog

    Edmonton Updates


    Melissa Shymko

    Francois: We have Melissa Shymko from Edmonton, Alberta. The two cities are competing. Melissa, we're really excited. Alberta born and raised  in Edmonton for 21 years. She's been a real estate investor since 2007 and knows the Edmonton market. And then we're going to chat about some opportunities and in Edmonton where to invest, similar questions to Natasha. Welcome Melissa and Melissa has an awesome list too. Make sure to share it in the chat Melissa's list. I need to subscribe. I heard about it, but anyway.

    Guelph Market Update with Beth & Ryan Waller


    Despite a slowing property market in some areas and further expected interest rate increases, the demand for real estate investment properties on the edges of the GTA appears to continue to be strong.

    Is that still the case?

    Where are the opportunities for reasonable house prices and cash-flowing rental markets?

    Join us for the next stop on our virtual tour of Ontario markets with expert insights and market updates for Guelph.

    AB & BC Updates


    Tim Tsai

    Francois: Tim, thank you for joining us, really excited to have you on, international real estate investor. Retired himself at age 30. I thought you were still 30. It's only been a year, but he became financially free in 25 months from his first REI training. Wow. That's quite a nice resume. Welcome.

    Tim: Thank you always for having me. I appreciate that.

    Francois: You're in the backyard. That's a nice fence behind you.

    Easily Financing Your US Real Estate Investments with Michal Liviatan of Lendai


    As the Canadian markets continue to make real estate investing more challenging many investors are looking south of the border for opportunities. Although Canadian banks do operate there, investors find it doesn’t always work the same, systems and applications can be confusing and time-consuming. Often a stumbling block to getting traction can be obtaining sufficient financing to start building a US portfolio.

    Real Estate Investing in Kitchener with Santos Garcia


    Despite a slowing property market in some areas and further expected interest rate increases, the demand for real estate investment properties on the edges of the GTA appears to continue to be strong.

    Is that still the case?

    Where are the opportunities for reasonable house prices and cash-flowing rental markets?

    Join us for the next stop on our virtual tour of Ontario markets with expert insights and market updates for Kitchener.