ARNEL-LLEMIT-1637316866's blog

    Insurance Updates and Insights


    Sarah: I'll introduce Dan Tetzlaff. Dan, for many of you guys that have been at the club in person or at one of our virtual events has been a supporter pretty much. I think since we started the club and if you need insurance for your real estate investments or you know what not. I'm sure you do a lot more insurance and just homes. You are a wealth of knowledge. You've been in the investments round working with investors when it comes to an insurance standpoint for a long time.

    Professional Service Experts Update


    Hear from profesionals in financing, insurance, contracting and property management. Brian Hogben, Alex Bell, Jon Tenbrinke & Susan Corcoran.

    Laurel: I have the privilege of introducing the professional services panel. Brian Hogben was inspired to begin the Mission 35 Mortgages after accomplishing his mission of paying off his mortgage by the age of 35. So, great name Brian, that's wonderful. He has a massive real estate portfolio. And he's the author of "How to get mortgage free really...". I can't say the word because anyway.