ARNEL-LLEMIT-1637316866's blog

    Private Lenders Experts Panel


    Alfonso: When you have exhausted the traditional lenders as you grow your portfolio the area of private money comes up. The replay of this webinar is covering this in detail with three experts from the private lender space.

    Also Claire Drage shares a market update about mortgage deferrals and credit bureaus.

    Claire Drage
    Susan Flanagan
    Reid Quan

    Sarah: Yes. I'm excited. I'm excited to learn about private lending. Now, do you want to go through the agenda?

    Let's Get On With It - How You Can Thrive Today and Tomorrow


    Looks like things have changed out there and we've all had to make huge adjustments just to survive. But how do we get our heads into a place where we focus on way more than survival? We need to set things up so that we can thrive in our new world.

    Join Nancy Morris in this fun and practical webinar where we'll talk about what we have to do to shift our mindset, attitude and actions to make our new world what we want it to be.