ARNEL-LLEMIT-1637316866's blog

    Path to Student Rental Success


    Jared Henderson

    Francois: This evening, Jared Henderson who invests in Peterborough and Montreal. He is from Montreal and lives there, but has been investing remotely. And has been doing really well with a student rental. So, I'm really excited to find out more about what's going on during the pandemic. Like how has this affected his business? Welcome, Jared, thank you so much for joining us.

    Jared: Thanks, so much Francois. So, delighted to be here. This is a fantastic event as always and I'm really happy to share my experience. 

    Making It Easier for Canadians to Invest in the US 


    James Lloyd and Voytek Mardula

    Sarah: All right, everybody. Thank you so much for coming to our “lunch and learn” with James Lloyd and Voytek Mardula from US Properties. 

    Voytek: Yeah, thanks for having us on the show Sarah, we really appreciate it.

    Sarah: Awesome. Now you've been on our webinars in the past and you've got some great things to share, but maybe somebody hasn't seen what you've done or heard about you before. Can you give us an overview of who you are and also who US properties is?