
By Daniel St-Jean

As I built our rent-to-own portfolio of over 50 houses and raised over $30 million of other people’s money, it was all through using my approach of Connectworking. 

Most people do networking like they’re on a fishing trip. What they need to do is ‘connectworking,’ which is more like gardening.

As opposed to networking, you build connections. For example at the end of last year, I probably sent 1,700 best wishes for New Year’s. I keep track of people and whenever anything comes around, I reach out to them. 

Interested in investing in multi-family properties? Daniel St-Jean of The REITE Club finds out why Cyndi Gould chose that strategy and has stayed with it.

TRC: Cindy, I've known you for quite a while. When did you get involved in real estate investing?

Cyndi Gould: I actually got started in 2012. Getting my education in the spring of that year, built, started building my team and then actually bought two duplexes in Hamilton in September 2012.

TRC: Why did you get involved in real estate investing?

Learn to generate wealth through real estate investing as Mark Frentz reveals to The REITE Club the secrets to his success.

When will you be ready for retirement? François Lanthier tells The REITE Club how he created cash flow and grew his nest egg through real estate investing... and doing it by involving every member of his family.

TRC: François, when did you get involved in real estate investing?

Big job? Big pay cheque? Big fatigue? Wesley Ogude shares with The REITE Club how he got out of the corporate rat race and started customizing his life.

Q: When did you get involved in real estate investing as one of the many real estate investors out there?

Wesley: I got involved about six years ago.

Q: Why did you get involved in real estate investing?

Wesley: I was just tired of living for work. If we only live to work, then it matters very little how long we live. I was tired after 25 years of doing that.