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    From Sick & Bankrupt to Real Estate Investor!


    Katherine Nelson-Riley: There's tax implications, there's corporation implications, there's all kinds of different things that are open there.

    Sarah Larbi: REITE club community, welcome back to another awesome episode of the REITE club podcast. My name is Sarah Larbi and I'm here with my co-host Francois Lanthier. How are you, Francois?

    Francois Lanthier: I'm excellent. Thank you. And how about you?

    The Successful Poster Child of Real Estate Investing Without Knowing it All


    Daniel St Jean: Good afternoon everyone. So this is Daniel St Jean one of the co-founders of the Reite Club, and our special co guest, co-host today Victoria Cluney. Hello. And who is going to, the two of us are going to just grill Jacqueline and of course, what, when you know what Jacqueline does for a living, she can take it. We're ready to go. Ready to go? Let's do this. All right, let's do this. Special guest today is Jacqueline. How are you doing, Jacqueline? 

    The Depth of Your Self-Awareness Equals the Breadth of Your Success!


    Sarah Larbi: REITE Club Community. Welcome back to another awesome episode, and today is not necessarily real estate related, it's the Mind Estate podcast.

    We've got a great guest, Nancy Morris, who's a psychologist, and she has been a psychology consultant, speaker, author, 19 plus years of academics under her belt. She's really the real deal and she has many years. Experience. Catherine, what did you think of today's podcast? Just as a little like tidbit before we get into it.

    Greater London Area Investment Opportunities!


    Sarah Larbi: REITE club Nation, welcome back. I'm Sarah Larbi, and I'm here with Francois, my wonderful co-host of Francois Lanthier 

    Francois Lanthier: I think what Justin, what you'll hear in the interview will really tie into what some of the decisions I've made staying liquid in uncertain times. So I have liquidated and yeah, but buying all these properties allowed me to do this liquidation.