ARNEL-LLEMIT-1637316866's blog

    The Accidental Real Estate Investors!


    Sarah Larbi: REITE Club nation welcome to another awesome episode of the REITE Club podcast. I'm Sarah Larbi and I'm here with my wonderful, new father co-host, Alfonso Salemi. Hey buddy, how are you doing?

    Alfonso Salemi: Awesome, Sarah. Doing great. And yeah, things are awesome. How about you? How are you doing?

    Sarah Larbi: I am doing amazing. 

    From Pizza Door Delivery to a 47 Door Portfolio


    Aditya Soma: Just know that you don't need a lot of money to get in. You need a decent credit. You need a decent down payment. If you are, unless, if you're going for a dream home and if your aim is to invest, don't go for the dream home. Go the opposite way. Go for the ugliest home and you do that improvement and go for the cheapest possible price so that you can put less money off yours into the deal.