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    Show Me the Money! - Understanding Your Real Estate Financing Options


    Daniel St. Jean: The Windrose Group, building a mortgage brokerage of over 200 transactions a month. Wow! And primarily for real estate investors with private lending in both mortgages, private markets and promissory note loans. She's done many buy and holds. Claire, how are you doing?

    Claire Drage: Good. Not bad. Big chilly out there today, but not bad at all.

    Change, No Change - Landlords, Tenants and Adjudicators


    Daniel St. Jean: You are with the two other people from the company called Caveat LLP, Andrew Choubeta is one of them. You are one of the other two people, and I understand that you've been dealing with the LTB for about five years. Is that correct?

    Glenn Gosling: That's correct, yes.

    Daniel St. Jean: Okay. And prior to that, you were in health services, so it looks like your whole career, or at least the later part of it, is about helping people.

    An Investor’s Journey: The Evolution Over 15 Years


    Sarah Larbi: REITE Club nation, welcome back. You are in for a very awesome podcast today with Elizabeth Kelly. She is about six hours north in Kirkland lake. She's a property manager, an investor, very successful investor doing many things multi-family rent to own the BRRRR. She's also a coach. Mentor and many other great things. She shared a lot of great information with us today. I think you guys will like the podcast. By the way, if you haven't left a rating and review, please do so and check out We've got tons of great events.