ARNEL-LLEMIT-1637316866's blog

    5 Women's Panel - RPDRS


    Laurel: We now have the women's panel and I'm not hosting. I'm just going to introduce the host. Danielle Chaison is a fabulous person. You've seen her before at a lot of our events. She does support The REITE Club and she's one of our ambassadors. Thank you, Danielle. I know you're going to do a great job. She's known for her work in residential redevelopment including converting legal secondary suites. She's got a background in construction. I know you've probably seen some of her presentations.

    Ming and Matthew Lee - RPDRS


    Daniel: One thing about these folks, they have an incredible business in Toronto, but not just around, over there. They have a really cool group. Make sure that you point out how people Volition, how they can find you guys and how they can go to your events, downtown Toronto. I think that you're the only people who run a club similar to this downtown Toronto. Make sure you tell them about that.

    Ottawa, Montreal, Gatineau and Cornwall Market Updates and Virtual Networking


    Ottawa Market Update
    Rachelle Shea

    Rachelle: I think there's a good chance that there are some deals to be had in Ottawa. There haven't been many deals to be had in the last 18 to 24 months.

    Daniel: This is really good information, Rachelle. Thank you very much for sharing that with us. It's much better news than last week and then last time.