ARNEL-LLEMIT-1637316866's blog

    Luc Boiron - RPDRS


    Alfonso: Our next presenter, he's very fortunate as well too and you saw his significant other on the panel as well, too with Jess. I have a blank page to introduce Luc cause I said, I didn't want a bio from Luc I wanted to introduce him and very fortunate that I get to call him a friend of mine and I can pick up the phone and most weeks we keep each other accountable and we're building partners on certain tasks and certain items. If you ever met this guy, he is just one of the most genuine, hardworking, just legit guys.

    Brady MacDonald - RPDRS


    Alfonso: We have Brady MacDonald, and before I introduce Brady, I just wanted to ask you guys, does anybody remember the name of today's event?

    All: Real People Doing Real Shit.

    Alfonso: Are we real people in this room? Are we doing real shit every single day? Is it easy? No. Is it simple? Yeah. There we go. What a great way to start off the day. Guys, Daniel St-Jean.

    Mel and Dave Dupuis - RPDRS


    Sarah: I actually didn't have social media until two, three years ago and just went all out. I think a lot of people that I've met actually came through my social media. How many of you guys are here from The REITE Club? Because you saw something on Instagram or Facebook. What about the podcast? I guess that's another form of social media, potentially. How many of you guys have seen Matt McKeever's videos on YouTube? What about mine that I did with him? You guys watched that there's 8,000 views on one of them, maybe a little bit more than 8,000. That is pretty incredible.

    Daniel St-Jean - RPDRS


    Daniel: This dynamic individual is an entrepreneur to the core. He has been his own Boss for over 35 years. During that period of time, he's generated millions of dollars of business for his clients, customers, affiliates, and investors. He loves to help others, which is one of the reasons why he helped start The REITE Club. Daniel and his wife Laurel, started their real estate investing business, Safe & Sound Real Estate Investment Group in the spring of 2010.