ARNEL-LLEMIT-1637316866's blog

    Underused Housing Tax – Serious Implications for Real Estate Investors


    Laurel Simmons: Hi everyone, and welcome to another podcast episode of the REITE Club. I'm Laurel Simmons, a co-founder of the REITE Club, and my co-host today is Katherine Nelson Riley, who is our wonderful operations manager. Hey Katherine. This is a pretty important podcast, isn't it?

    Is Africa the New Real Estate Frontier?


    Katherine Nelson Riley: Hi Victoria. Thanks so much for joining me this afternoon. I'm really looking forward to Andrew Choubeta's interview. 

    Victoria Cluney: Oh my gosh, love my pleasure. It's the first time that we're having a podcast together, Katherine. So that's exciting and what I've heard about Andrew and the places that he invests. This is definitely gonna be an interesting conversation.